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SICU's Guiding Principles

What's important to us?

· SICU,Guiding Principles,Virtual Organization,Communication,Creative Collaborati


When every affiliate and collaboration partner works and communicates in support of one another (“one for all, all for one”), we are talking about multilateral communication where the expectation is, that an amount of added value, multiplicative effects and cost-effectiveness is generated for all parties involved.

1. We are a knowledge-sharing, learning community driven to inspire and to be inspired

2. We're turning passion into enthusiastic action and mutual benefit through great results.

3. We are collaborating as professionals, consultants and specialists rather than members.

4. We strive to increase global awareness to make SICU well known, sympathetic and useful.

5. We do not disclose information about or concerning members unless they wish us to do so.

6. We strive to do things right for the first time avoiding the habitual mistakes.

7. We work in teams ("collaboratories") rather than individuals.

8. We are visionary yet practical and pragmatic.

9. We invest resources and create shared value as opposed to money.

10. We enable creative learning through accepting and understanding diversity and mistakes.

11. We prefer to create rather than protect.

12. We help and support each other to succeed.

13. We build trust because trust is the fundamental for lasting relationships.

14. We welcome open communications with honest information shared among all collaboration partners.

15. Working as a tribe yet keeps individuality still.

16. We listen before we judge and ask before we decide.

17. We care both for quality and quantity.

18. Integrity is our logo and professional experience is what we offer and share.

19. We care seriously about the health and welfare of others as we do for ourselves.

20. We acknowledge and reward sincere efforts for we believe in Give-to-Get!

21. We are open for new business, new ideas, concepts, projects, creativity and professional offers.

22. We offer serious corporations, non-profits and professional teams a multitude of opportunities and partnership programs to show corporate social responsibility, and to support corporate communications and brand marketing.

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