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· Virtual Organization,Synergy,Self-organizing,Worldwide,Strategic Alliance


SICU was first founded as ("Synergy Society") in 1999, and renamed and launced as SICU in 2004. SICU is an acronym of the name and slogan Synergy Integrated - Connects the Unconnected representing an open and flexible virtual organization, a strategic alliance and think tank operating locally, regionally and globally through affiliated organisations and professional experts located all over the world.

As a marketing name and brand label of its activities, SICU originates from the Finnish word and concept named SISU (Sauna & Sibelius) being a central part of the Finnish identity. SISU stands for an ability to get things done, describing staying power, will power of iron and decisiveness to get things done even against impossible odds.

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1. SICU is an open and flexible virtual organization, an experienced marketing integrator, communication coordinator and a creative connector operating virtually in the web, and in the intersection of project management and integrated marketing communication.

2. SICU is a collective of an amount of creative professionals working globally within various sectors of project management, marketing communication, corporate communication and brand marketing... within sports, culture, arts, psychiatry and heath care, future studies, and within divergent activities, events, congresses and seminars.

3. SICU is market oriented, well connected and has a good, interactive relationship with its target groups and stakeholders. SICU acts like a living organism. In the end of every nerve fiber, there are individuals, who are connected with the nerve center, known as processor merilahti since 1958.

4. SICU search for, collects, explores, connects, organizes and forwards synergistic information of the market to the target groups in order to help them to reach their audiences in a cost effective way.

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5. SICU is not bound with hired and highly rewarded creative talents, but may mass together special experience and know-how from its globally extensive online networks and special groups.

6. SICU is able to build optimal think tanks and service cluster teams, and to compile professionals' from various business areas in order to solve problems and to fulfill the specific needs of individual customers.

7. SICU search for and sew up 'read threads' in order to connect organizations, brands, media, various projects and events with a similar set of values, objectives and target groups together.

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8. SICU’s activities concentrates on future changes, new ideas, and in creating, developing and putting into practice "pro-operations" and multilateral marketing communication programs. The major objectives are to achieve added value, multiplicative effects and cost-effectiveness to all parties involved.

9. SICU strives to establish co-operations between the parties and to connect professionals specialized in various sectors and methods as a part of the total communication and brand marketing of organizations.

10. The aim and objective is to build-up service cluster teams in order to create new ideas, concepts and new communication channels, not good advertising in the first place.

11. SICU’s clients are commercial and non-profit organisations, advertising- and PR agencies, marketing communication specialist, event producers... smart people, who have something to give to each other.

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12. SICU stands for lateral thinking, market oriented information, planning and integrating divergent marketing methods, tools, concepts and activities into multilateral marketing communication wholes.

13. Projects connecting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Event marketing, Sponsorship, social occasions and events, promotions and PR-activities, belong to the core activities. Social Media Marketing, Cause Related Marketing, Co-promotion and Compositioning are not unfamiliar concepts.

14. SICU is prepared to participate in think tanks, planning groups and processes in organizations and in agencies, to give an outside angle of vision, new ideas and added-value to any organisations in question.

15. Whenever you are looking for new Ideas + Exchange + Energy = Synergy - Factual Connections and Opportunities, please contact my mobile head office at +358 46 542 1581 or at 

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Tom Merilahti *** 358 46 542 1581 *** ***