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Wolf in Culture

A multidimensional cultural production and a multimedia project, where Arts and
Science are connected with Mother Nature and the Environment.

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Wolf in Culture is a multidimensional cultural production and a multimedia project,
where Arts and Science are connected with Mother Nature and the Environment.

The WOLF represents the whole ecosystem and acts as the leading figure and symbol of the production. Because of the common history of wolf and human, the wolf is probably the most familiar and interesting of all animal species in the world.

Core Values

The core values of the production are Intelligence, Creativity and Ability to Cooperate - typical characteristics even of Wolves. As one of the most endangered species, the wolf belongs as a part to the European Natura 2000 project, and to many other international co-operations.

Wolf in Society

WOLF in Culture is a Northern Call for Social- and Environmental Responsibility. As a multidimensional production, WOLF in Culture represents many things. It offers an amount of factual connections to utilize for commercial and noncommercial organisations and the media acting in various business, cultural and environmental areas.

Ideology & Emotions

WOLF in Culture is a multidimensional cultural production where the Wolf represents Mother Nature and the whole ecosystem. Nature in itself is great dramatics. It is a cycle process, where everything is melted into one.

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WOLF in Culture is a process where every participating member, organisation and field of activity is supporting and feeding one another. The character of the wolf "inwolves" an enormous emotional charge of a thousand years', with all the nuances.

The Word Wolf and the stories of wolves arouses always emotional reactions in people. This creates additional interest and market value for the event and its sponsors, which interestingness in the media can’t be denied.

Success Story: It is the success story behind WOLF in Culture that will provide the competitive edge for the multidimensional project and the event. WOLF in Culture will tell the story by an amount of strong cultural experiences, events and a multichannel communication project. Environmental values and issues concerning nature preservation will be communicated from many angles. It is the "Wolf Story" that will translate information for the audience into accessible, emotional terms.

WOLF Side Story: WOLF in Culture will tell the "Wolf Side Story", a neutral story based on facts, from ancient history til today, to positively affect the attitudes of people towards wolves and preservation of the nature.

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WOLF in History: The Wolf Story tells about ancient times, when wolves and humans fought for their survival as allies, about Romulus and Remus and the she-wolf, who saved and fed them with her milk, that even we today can enjoy the cultural heritage of Rome. The story tells, how humans adopted the wolf as an every day companion in the form of a dog.

 WOLF in Future: The story tells also about hate and persecution of wolves today, which are supported by baseless myths. The story continues telling how wolves live today, how this very intelligence and social animal continues to howl, hunt and reproduce despite the humans trying to eliminate it.

The most important part of the story is, how wolves and humans have a special relationship, and how the future of wolves may be the future of the humans.

WOLF in Festival: Wolf in Culture is an entirely new event concept, which will communicate social and environmental responsibility by strong cultural experiences, supporting festival events and by a multichannel communication project. The first festival event will be organized in Helsinki, Finland in Autumn 2005, and it will last for a month.

The theme will be communicated from many angles of vision in the means of Arts, Science and Nature. The concept will be internationalized and marketed to many other cities and countries in the red dotted area from here on.

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WOLF in Culture - WOLF in Europe, WOLF in...

1) WOLF in Opera: The Bride of the Wolf –opera composed by Tauno Pylkkänen and based on the classic book of Aino Kallas. The Bride of the Wolf is internationally the most succesful Finnish opera of all times. It won the third price in Prix Italia in 1950.

2) WOLF in Concert: The world famous Peter and the Wolf Symphony composed by Sergei Prokofiev combined with a dance performance.

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3) WOLF in Arts: Art and outdoor photo exhibition by national and international artists and photographers.

a.) Wolf in Nature; Professor, congressman and wolf specialist Erkki Pulliainen and representatives of natural science...

b.) Wolf in Lecture; lectures from the field of music, arts, literature, poetry...

c.) Wolf in Sustainable development; internationally high regarded lecturers from the fields of philosophy, communication, commercial- and environmental science.

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4) WOLF in Science: Wolf Symposium – multiprofessional lectures, an open discussion forum and a meeting place of international scale and standard. The symposium will be build up by the following themes.

5) WOLF in Experiences; Wolf Cave – an educational Room of interactive Wolf Activities and Experiences for children - the Wolf Puppies. A Wolf drama will be organised daily, where groups of children can participate in.

6) WOLF in Media: The multimedia project will widely distribute cultural, environmental and educational content trough various media channels, such as digi-tv, broadband, internet...combined with traditional media.

WOLF in Synergistic Interaction
The major objective of Wolf in Culture is to create a strong, Synergistic interaction between the elements mentioned above, and to achieve many-sided power of expression and multiplicative effects. By this, the event offers even the grand audience an overall experience, and an opportunity to affect the future of our environment and the attitudes of people towards saving the wolf positively.

WOLF in Marketing Communication
Wolf in Culture offers a number of opportunities to organize the project including events together with noncommercial and commercial organisations, and with the media - with common resources.

WOLF in Europe, WOLF in...
We would be more than happy to help you out in any possible questions. We would highly appreciate, if you could copy the link to this site and forward our message to all key persons of your interest groups. I hope to hear from you soon.

Copyright 2004: Tom Merilahti (SICU).

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Wolf in Culture name, idea & the concept are intellectual property, and to prove its copyright, all elements has been registered internationally. When you're looking for synergy, energy experience and content - know-how, factual connections, and for new ideas and opportunities and/or business contacts, please contact Tom Merilahti +358 46 542 1581 * e-mail: *